Tuesday, July 10, 2012

July 10, 2012, the journey begins.  Completed the first day of my class as a tech savvy teacher.  As of now I am lost in the woods or should I say lost in the techno world.  I have always considered myself as a lifelong learner.  I am sure that this is a temporary condition.  I will keep you posted as to the progress that I hope to achieve.


  1. I personally think that some of the best learning experiences come from diving in and feeling overwhelmed. The key is to not let that overwhelming feeling cause you to give up your search.

    The best advice I can offer is that before searching for any new online tool, know specifically what you want to do. Staying sane on the hunt is all about focusing on tools that have the potential to fit your need(s) while sorting through all of the alternative options.

    Try to find three that could get the job done and call off the search. Then evaluate the three you have selected for the best candidate.

    Hope that helps!

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  3. Today I added to my wiki. I was able to upload a file and to embed a YouTube video. It is not an elaborate wiki but not bad for a start. I thank all of you who commented. I know there was not much there to work with. I have opened up a new page today as a tech savvy person. I am now following my son on twitter. He is on a mission trip in Kazakhstan.

  4. I see that you developed more content for your wiki, and have built a good site for resources and engagement of fellow teachers and learners. This is good and I am confident you will transition into the use of some online tools to continue to help build you own personal pathway to learning. That PLN! I continue to find lots of interesting resources after reviewing students' assignments, there is a lot to mine as golden nuggets. Here are two resources I came across regarding PLN's you all might like them too: A YouTube video about PLN's
    And a LiveBinders,a site to organize ones resources
